Using Stylus with Vue.js / Nuxt.js

2 min readJul 25, 2019

Stylus is still a vibrant community today!

For those of you whom never heard of stylus, it is similar to sass / scss / less. It’s a CSS pre-processor that make front-end development iterate faster and simpler.


  1. You have a vue project already installed
  2. You know what yarn or npm is

OK! Lets get started

1. Install Stylus and Stylus-loader

npm install stylus stylus-loader -save-dev// oryarn install stylus stylus-loader --save-dev

2. Update Vue Components with lang=”stylus”

Note: inside the style tag the lang="stylus" must be present to work. Otherwise, it would recognize it as CSS instead of stylus. It’s required that every component that you are writing stylus syntax in.

If everything compiles. You’re good to go!


If this post was helpful


Discord link for stylus support:

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This works fine for development but throws an error when you try to run “npm run build” — gives a vague error with css minification. I’m not sure whether to just preprocess it in vscode (probably will) or try webpack via something like this…

The nuxt-stylus-resources-loader pacakge is very handy as well. This will let you add a global resource file with variables, mixins, functions, etc.